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April 10, 2008


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Huh. Interesting, but still not quite the hesitation step in weddings. I wonder where those came in (you don't need to find out, my curiousity will contain itself).

I have 2 half & half recordings.
One reads Half & Half (Powers) and the other is Half & Half (Europe).

The second one is piano heavy and does not sound like the one you have linked to above.

So when are you going to send this to me so I can see if it's workable for the dance? It might be the Victorian 5/4 waltz music, which has the wrong feel for 1910s, but I'd be very excited if it was something new!

So...you're supposed to do waltz steps to the 5/4 music, but holding the first step through beats 2 and 3? Wow. I had always figured (especially given the name) that the steps were more like those in a zwiefacher.

About the music: it's too bad that the 5/4 from Tchaikovsky's Symphony no. 6 is 2+3, because it seems to have the right feel for a half and half otherwise.

Yeah, that's the essence of it. It's a form of hesitation waltz, a term normally used for very fast waltzes in 3/4 time, in which you can step in different patterns (1-2-3-4...6, 1...3-4...6, etc.) with the common factor being that you skip some beats to make the steps feel less rushed.

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