An index of all the posts I have written about the early foxtrot.
Quick links
1910s: Foxtrot basics: start here for the core steps and variations
1910s: Fun with foxtrot: variations for when the basics have been mastered
1910s: Oddities: uncommon (and unnecessary) variations
1910s: Miscellaneous: related material
Later foxtrot: related material after 1920
Main post index: index of all Kickery posts (in progress)
1. 1910s: Foxtrot basics (Return to top of page) (Overall post index)
These posts cover the main repertoire of the early foxtrot and some easy variations
04/19/08 Basic Walking & Trotting Patterns in the 1910s Foxtrot
the absolute basics: walks, trots, walk/trot combinations, and side-slides (galop)
04/25/08 Quick-Quick-Slow: The Two-Step Infiltrates the Foxtrot
moves in QQS rhythm: two-step, rocking hesitations, trots, and a lovely sequence with a reverse pivot
08/04/09 Sliding Along in the Foxtrot
repeated diagonal four-slides (galops) without turning
05/12/14 Twinkle, Twinkle: Fast and Slow
rocking hesitations, either slow or quick
10/09/14 Basic Foxtrots from Edna Lee
simple sequences found in other sources
02/18/17 Early foxtrot: the drag step
a simple slide-close followed by trots
2. 1910s: Fun with foxtrot (Return to top of page) (Overall post index)
Interesting moves for when one is ready to go beyond the basics.
05/02/08 Fancy Little Foxtrot
a great little sequence with a hop and fast pomander walk
08/08/09 Foxes in Boxes
traveling and turning box-steps in QQS timing
05/15/14 Two Easy Foxtrot Hesitations
the Rock-a-bye and the Trot des Artistes; fancy names for a single hesitation and a drag step
06/05/14 Early Foxtrot: Slides & Glides, 1916
two asymmetrical variations with three or four slides (galop)
07/21/14 Hop, hop, foxtrotters!
two more hop-turn sequences
06/08/17 Early Foxtrot: Catch Steps
using a single two-step to switch lead foot
12/26/20 Foxtrot Styling, c1920
two English sources on "cross-steps", actually just an ornament for the two-step
06/03/21 Early Foxtrot: a bit of maxixe
adding maxixe styling to the two-step in the foxtrot
06/13/22 Foxtrot in diagrams, 1919
two basic walk/two-step patterns, a walk/waltz pattern, and an interesting syncopated sequence
06/06/22 The Castle Fox Trot (1 of 2)
the first three sequences given by the Castles in late 1914: basic walk-trot, step out and pomander walk, and hop-kick
06/09/22 The Castle Fox Trot (2 of 2)
the fourth and fifth sequences: "Get over, Sal" and trot and reverse trots
11/06/23 Early Foxtrot: The Zig-Zag
two combinations incorporating QQS zig-zag movements
3. 1910s: Oddities (Return to top of page) (Overall post index)
Uncommon or one-shot variations only useful if you want a lot of variety.
05/19/14 Cross Steps in the Early Foxtrot
two variations where you cross one foot over the other
06/09/14 Early Foxtrot: The Newburgh
a long step-sequence with two-steps and cross steps
06/08/15 One for the ponies!
a long sequence with lots of walks and hops
07/27/15 Early Foxtrot: The Castle Favorite
walks, trots, and hops
06/10/19 Early Foxtrot: Quick Dips
two sequences with ornamental dipping
06/18/20 Early Foxtrot: The Pavlowa Extension
a long sequence with some especially graceful elements
06/22/20 Early Foxtrot: The Minuet Turn
weird perpendicular promenades; nothing to do with minuet
06/07/21 Early Foxtrot: the St. Denis Spiral
more maxixe styling and a spiral track
4. 1910s: Miscellaneous (Return to top of page) (Overall post index)
A few related posts.
05/31/08 Another Note on the Early Foxtrot
a newspaper article briefly mentions several of the variations previously described
06/16/14 The Castles' Paul Jones
a simple mixer that optionally uses the foxtrot for the couple dance part
12/11/14 Fox Trot Hats
recommendations for the fashionable lady foxtrotter
03/21/24 Suspiciously similar
did the dancing masters crib from Joan Sawyer?
5. Later foxtrot (Return to top of page) (Overall post index)
I rarely go past 1920 in my foxtrot research, since my interest is primarily in the earliest form of the dance, but here are a few posts that touch on the foxtrot of the 1920s:
08/18/09 At the Prom: Yale 1921
a dance card featuring a ridiculous number of foxtrots
11/25/09 Valencia!
a novelty dance from 1926 with sequences that can be danced to the name tune or used in the foxtrot
02/07/10 A 1920s Medley Paul Jones
a simple mixer which incorporates foxtrot as one of several couple dances
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