It feels like November is going to stretch for two more days as I wind up an intense trip to the UK that has so far involved two days of teaching and visits to three different libraries and archives in three different cities/towns. Today and tomorrow will be library #4 in yet another town. On Saturday I fly home and have one entire day there before turning around and heading to Boston for my last public event of the year: DJing once more for Bluesy Tuesy! I'll be sneaking in some research there, too. Weather permitting, this may include a cemetery stroll...
Edited 12/20/23 to add:
Okay, one more public event: I will be teaching some Lancers (quadrille) at Yiddish New York 2023! It's a long story....
Tuesday, December 5th ~ Cambridge, Massachusetts (Boston area)
Bluesy Tuesy (Facebook page) (Facebook group) (Facebook event)
7:30-10:00pm (plus). Lesson (not me - I don't teach blues!) from 7:30-8:30, then I will be DJing blues from 8:30 until at least 10:00, possibly longer if the dance floor is full! Indoors with an air cleaner going; masks required (N95 preferred). Sliding scale donation, $5 to $20. Volunteers get free admission!
Monday, December 25th ~ New York City (in person and online)
The Lancers (Quadrille) for Yiddish New York 2023
9:30-10:45am. As part of Dr. Sonia Gollance's class on dance in Yiddish literature, I will be coming in to teach part of an 1870 Lancers from Odesa. This class will be online as well as in person! There are a complex ticket options for various combinations of days and in person/online for this festival; see registration options here. An online pass for just this class would be $18, or $25 for in-person attendance. Ticket sales close on December 23rd. Note that there is a strict Covid policy (masks/vax/testing) for in-person attendance!
I am available to travel for in-person dance teaching, lecturing, and ball precepting, pandemic permitting. I am also still available for private or group online lessons and talks via Skype or Zoom (or your videoconferencing software of choice). Please email me directly if you would like to schedule an event or workshop!
Coming in January: I'm back in England for the British Society for Eighteenth Century Studies 53rd Annual Conference “Work and Play” at Oxford University!