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October 31, 2019


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This is a quite amazing find! Congratulations! As the author of the first full-length biography of George Leslie Calderon, GEORGE CALDERON: EDWARDIAN GENIUS (2018), I searched 23 journals between 1890 and 1915 for his stories and articles, but missed this one, possibly because it's in an entirely different position in the paper from usual. Calderon had been a correspondent of the 'Pall Mall Gazette' in Russia 1895-97, but all his pieces for them then were unsigned and he was presumed to have left Russia sometime in the autumn of 1897. So 'Gone with a Basilisk' could have been submitted in Russia or when he got home. His next story seems to have been in 'The Cornhill Magazine', December 1897. 'Gone with a Basilisk' is unlike any other of Calderon's stories, but full of characteristic linguistic touches. Ideal for Halloween!

Thank you, Patrick, and thank you for your very helpful website on Calderon! I'd love to hear more about the characteristic linguistic touches, since that story is really unlike anything I've ever seen before. I will have to read your biography!

(For anyone else who'd like to know more - follow the link to the Calderonia website above, or find Patrick's biography here)

Dear Susan,
I live in Holland and we have a large collection of antique and modern dance books for sale. Do you know of anyone who would be interested in buying them? There are a number in Dutch, of course, but also a large number in English. We could provide titles if necessary but need to know if there is any interest first.

I might certainly be interested! I'll drop you an email about this.

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