After a quiet three months of teaching hiatus, I am back on the road this month...but all roads this spring will be Russian ones! I'll be living in Moscow for the next few months and doing a few weekend events in Russia and Ukraine as well as experimenting with regular weekly classes. If those listed below go well, then classes will continue once or twice a week through the end of May! Updated: both cross-step waltz and ragtime classes will continue as subscription courses through the end of May! PLUS: a nineteenth-century schottische and country dance class added in late March!
For Russian-language information and questions about my classes in Russia this spring, please see my VK community.
Thursdays, March 2nd & 9th ~ Moscow, Russia (VKontakte discussion - in Russian)
American Ragtime Dance Sampler Classes
8:00-9:30pm. Open 1910s dance classes taught in a mix of English and Russian! Some previous couple dance experience is recommended but no specific ragtime experience is required. The first class will focus on the one-step/two-step/foxtrot trio, and the second class on hesitation waltz and, possibly, half and half. 500 rubles per person per class. If interest is sufficient, these are the first two classes in a regular Thursday-night series. For general discussion (in Russian) about my classes in Moscow, see my VK community.
Saturday, March 4th ~ Moscow, Russia
Private event
Tuesday, March 7th ~ Moscow, Russia (VKontakte discussion - in Russian)
Cross-Step Waltz Sampler Class
8:00-9:30pm. Open cross-step waltz class taught in a mix of English and Russian! Some previous couple dance experience is recommended, but no specific cross-step experience is required. If interest is sufficient, this will be the first in a regular Tuesday-night series! 500 rubles per person. For general discussion (in Russian) about my classes in Moscow, see my VK community.
Tuesday, March 14th ~ Moscow, Russia (VKontakte discussion - in Russian)
Cross-Step Waltz Class (1 of 10)
8:00-9:30pm. Open cross-step waltz class, first in a ten-class course! Taught in a mix of English and Russian. Some previous couple dance experience is recommended, but no specific cross-step experience is required. 500 rubles for single class or 4500 for full course. For general discussion (in Russian) about my classes in Moscow, see my VK community.
Friday-Sunday, March 17th-19th ~ Kyiv, Ukraine
Vintage Dance Exchange 2017 (Facebook event) (VKontakte event - in Russian)
Six dance classes covering material from the sixteenth, nineteenth, and early twentieth centuries, plus a teacher training class. The exchange has many other teachers and classes plus two balls and three dance parties!
Tuesday, March 21st ~ Moscow, Russia (VKontakte discussion - in Russian)
Cross-Step Waltz Class (2 of 10)
8:00-9:30pm. Second class in the ten-class course; course subscription or special permission required. Taught in a mix of English and Russian. For general discussion (in Russian) about my classes in Moscow, see my VK community.
Thursday, March 23rd ~ Moscow, Russia (VKontakte discussion - in Russian)
American Ragtime Dance Class (1 of 10)
8:00-9:30pm. 1910s dance class, first in a ten-class course covering one-step, two-step, foxtrot, hesitation waltz, half & half, 1910s American contra dance, and more! Taught in a mix of English and Russian. Some previous couple dance experience is recommended. 500 rubles for single class or 4500 for full course. For general discussion (in Russian) about my classes in Moscow, see my VK community.
Saturday, March 25th ~ Moscow, Russia
2:00-5:00pm. Nineteenth Century Schottische & Country Dance for Студия «Танец весны» (VKontakte event - in Russian)
Workshop on early schottische technique, a late nineteenth-century French schottische quadrille, and English and American country dances from the second half of the nineteenth century. Open to the public.
Tuesday, March 28th ~ Moscow, Russia (VKontakte discussion - in Russian)
Cross-Step Waltz Class (3 of 10)
8:00-9:30pm. Third class in the ten-class course; course subscription or special permission required. Taught in a mix of English and Russian. For general discussion (in Russian) about my classes in Moscow, see my VK community.
Thursday, March 30th ~ Moscow, Russia (VKontakte discussion - in Russian)
American Ragtime Dance Class (2 of 10)
8:00-9:30pm. 1910s dance class, second in a ten-class course covering one-step, two-step, foxtrot, hesitation waltz, half & half, 1910s American contra dance, and more! Taught in a mix of English and Russian. Course subscription or special permission required. For general discussion (in Russian) about my classes in Moscow, see my VK community.
I am available for private lessons in Moscow and nearby cities; outside Moscow, the student must provide the dance space. Email me directly if you would like to schedule a private lesson.
Coming in April: regular ragtime and cross-step waltz classes continue in Moscow, plus more ragtime dance in Vladimir and Saint Petersburg!