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May 23, 2016


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I use your method of teaching reels whenever I can, because it is amazingly simple and effective. I remember being astonished a few years into Scottish coming to one of your Balticon events and realizing that you had the entire room doing the right thing in about a minute and a half.

So yay! I am glad to see a post on it. I agree that it's unusual, but I really don't think it should be!


Excellent idea which I shall use in my next, lock-down-end, dance classes. Thanks.
A comparable example: Teaching what's often called Grimstock hey, I use Mr Playford's own explanation (once I can prevent my more experienced dancers *calling* it a hey!) which as you know says 'The first couple go between the second' (etc), no hey mentioned at all. Half-way to your method, really.
And yes, I avoid mention of Right and Left even when used correctly for the hey. My partner and others I've danced with tend to panic when Those Words are used: some perfectly intelligent people find them a rather scary foreign language.

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