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January 10, 2009


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Probably because the similarity of the words, but I always thought a schottische was a jig.

No, a schottische has a vigorous 2/4 or 4/4 rhythm; you can write the music either way. A jig is in compound duple, 6/8 time. You can say "jiggity jiggity" to jig music, which is how I remember it. Reels are "animated alligator." I suppose you could schottische to a jig, but it wouldn't feel especially natural or musical.

In my experience, 4/4 hornpipes work nicely for schottisches. (In Irish music, there's a form called "barn dance", which really is schottische.

The name "barn dance" for schottische comes from a particular piece of music called "Dancing in the Barn" that was popular late in the 19thc. I touch on this in one of my articles on late 19thc dance here.

Thank you for the present!

Michelle, you were one of the main people who got me started in historical dance way back when! All the thanks go the other way!

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