« Eight Easy Setting Sequences for Regency-Era French Quadrilles | Main | Chassez-Dechassez Sequences for Regency-Era French Quadrilles »

October 26, 2008


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Thanks for interesting selection.
I have a little remark for 3rd sequence:

1b Sissone left behind, glissade left behind
1b Jeté left before, assemblé right before

Maybe glissade left before? I think, right (trailing) foot must be before the left after 3rd bar.

No, it's definitely glissade left behind. The jeté is begun with left foot in front and ends with left foot in front. This is fairly common period way of correcting so that the entire sequence ends with right foot in front. Yes, that problem could have been solved by making it a glissade dessus instead, but for whatever reason they didn't do it that way. Perhaps they wanted to balance out the amount of forward motion in the sequence so the dancers did not end up in front of their original positions.

This comes up again in sequences for chassez-dechassez.

Maybe Gourdoux-Daux likes a changes of feet after sissone (left behind for left before) more than changes of feet after jeté... %)
OK, I'll try to dance this sequence if it not a misprint.
Thanks for answer.

I'm giving the sequences exactly as they are in the sources, but I don't think this one would lose significantly in the authenticity department if the glissade etc. were switched; that still feels like a reasonable period sequence. It's clear that people could make up their own sequences, and given that sequences for some moves use glissades dessous and dessus fairly interchangeably (like the three setting sequences where the only difference is the closing of the glissades) I don't think it's that big a deal.

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