June feels a bit like May, Take II: a quick trip to Boston early in the month to DJ and do a bit of library research, then holing up at home for research and writing...and yardwork and home renovations and all those little things I do when I'm not working.
Tuesday, June 6th ~ Cambridge, Massachusetts (Boston area)
Bluesy Tuesy (Facebook page) (Facebook group) (Facebook event)
7:30-10:00pm (plus). Lesson (not me - I don't teach blues!) from 7:30-8:30, then I will be DJing blues from 8:30 until at least 10:00, possibly longer if the dance floor is full! Indoors with an air cleaner going; masks and proof of vaccination required. Sliding scale donation, $5 to $20. Volunteers get free admission!
I am available to travel for in-person dance teaching, lecturing, and ball precepting, pandemic permitting. I am also still available for private or group online lessons and talks via Skype or Zoom (or your videoconferencing software of choice). Please email me directly if you would like to schedule an event or workshop!
I am looking for dance demonstrators for a Bridgerton Ball in Bowie, MD
If you or anyone you know is interested in demonstrating traditional ballroom dancing for the Regency Era, Please email me at [email protected]
Patrice Miles
Posted by: Patrice Miles | July 11, 2023 at 03:54 PM
Patrice - I've emailed you in response to this comment.
Posted by: Susan de Guardiola | July 16, 2023 at 09:00 PM