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February 06, 2009


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I did these as a kid in USY dances. My daughter is now doing variations on them in her school dances. I wonder how they compare to the Cupid shuffle and the electric slide?

These dances are certainly harder than the Cupid Shuffle (side slide right, side slide left, some gentle kicks, then, um, shuffling around in place).

The Electric Slide dates from the same time period as the other line dances I've posted here and uses similar 1970s line dance movements with about the same level of difficulty as these. It's actually got a known choreographer (as much as you call anyone a choreographer who simply rearranges common elements) who is very aggressive about his copyright.

There are more challenging line dances, such as the one done in Saturday Night Fever, which I'll post here at some point, but they're all meant to be picked up on the fly, so none of them are really overwhelmingly difficult.

One of the physical therapists who was teaching me to walk again in 1990 promised me I'd be able to do the Electric Slide someday. I appreciate his optimism, but I think it was a bit misplaced. Then again, I did learn to walk.

Somehow, I think there are more important things to aspire to mobility-wise than the Electric Slide. (Walking would be #1.)

Sehr gute Seite. Ich habe es zu den Favoriten.

Danke sehr!

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