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March 03, 2008


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So what about the Wedding hesitation?

Wedding hesitation?

The traditional walk down the aisle. I always thought that was some kind of dance step. One foot front, the other even. Other front, first even. Or maybe just tapping instead of stepping down on the evens.

Oh, yes, that is a sort of dance step. It's just a different sort. It's more like a 16th century pavane. A pavane pattern usually goes step-close (single), step-close (single), step-step-step-close (double); the wedding march is just the singles, I think. It's very Renaissance in feel. A one-step is much faster. Compare the pavane "Belle Qui Tiens Ma Vie" here with the one-step "Too Much Mustard" here. You don't have to buy the latter; you can just listen to an excerpt.

(Note to self: write about pavanes sometime!)

I doubt brides could manage the pavane pattern, they're usually nervous enough! But you do see little girls practicing the step-close.

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