(Edited 7/18/24 to add: having had a Better Idea, this post is now superseded by this shiny new index page and will no longer be updated.)
I've written a great deal about recorded variations for the foxtrot in its early years. It can be hard to locate all these posts or to navigate them using subject categories. So, by request, here is a "mothership" post indexing all of my foxtrot material, sorted into categories in what seems to me to be the most useful way and in chronological order within the categories. I'll continue to add to it as I write new posts on the foxtrot or find other ones that I had not properly tagged or that are useful in dancing early foxtrot.
1. 1910s: foxtrot basics
These posts cover the main repertoire of the early foxtrot and some easy variations
04/19/08 Basic Walking & Trotting Patterns in the 1910s Foxtrot
the absolute basics: walks, trots, walk/trot combinations, and side-slides (galop)
04/25/08 Quick-Quick-Slow: The Two-Step Infiltrates the Foxtrot
moves in QQS rhythm: two-step, rocking hesitations, trots, and a lovely sequence with a reverse pivot
08/04/09 Sliding Along in the Foxtrot
repeated diagonal four-slides (galops) without turning
05/12/14 Twinkle, Twinkle: Fast and Slow
rocking hesitations, either slow or quick
10/09/14 Basic Foxtrots from Edna Lee
simple sequences found in other sources
02/18/17 Early foxtrot: the drag step
a simple slide-close followed by trots
2. 1910s: fun with foxtrot
Interesting moves for when one is ready to go beyond the basics.
05/02/08 Fancy Little Foxtrot
a great little sequence with a hop and fast pomander walk
08/08/09 Foxes in Boxes
traveling and turning box-steps in QQS timing
05/15/14 Two Easy Foxtrot Hesitations
the Rock-a-bye and the Trot des Artistes; fancy names for a single hesitation and a drag step
06/05/14 Early Foxtrot: Slides & Glides, 1916
two asymmetrical variations with three or four slides (galop)
07/21/14 Hop, hop, foxtrotters!
two more hop-turn sequences
06/08/17 Early Foxtrot: Catch Steps
using a single two-step to switch lead foot
12/26/20 Foxtrot Styling, c1920
two English sources on "cross-steps", actually just an ornament for the two-step
06/03/21 Early Foxtrot: a bit of maxixe
adding maxixe styling to the two-step in the foxtrot
06/13/22 Foxtrot in diagrams, 1919
two basic walk/two-step patterns, a walk/waltz pattern, and an interesting syncopated sequence
06/06/22 The Castle Fox Trot (1 of 2)
the first three sequences given by the Castles in late 1914: basic walk-trot, step out and pomander walk, and hop-kick
06/09/22 The Castle Fox Trot (2 of 2)
the fourth and fifth sequences: "Get over, Sal" and trot and reverse trots
11/06/23 Early Foxtrot: The Zig-Zag
two combinations incorporating QQS zig-zag movements
3. 1910s: oddities
Uncommon or one-shot variations only useful if you want a lot of variety.
05/19/14 Cross Steps in the Early Foxtrot
two variations where you cross one foot over the other
06/09/14 Early Foxtrot: The Newburgh
a long step-sequence with two-steps and cross steps
06/08/15 One for the ponies!
a long sequence with lots of walks and hops
07/27/15 Early Foxtrot: The Castle Favorite
walks, trots, and hops
06/10/19 Early Foxtrot: Quick Dips
two sequences with ornamental dipping
06/18/20 Early Foxtrot: The Pavlowa Extension
a long sequence with some especially graceful elements
06/22/20 Early Foxtrot: The Minuet Turn
weird perpendicular promenades; nothing to do with minuet
06/07/21 Early Foxtrot: the St. Denis Spiral
more maxixe styling and a spiral track
4. 1910s: miscellaneous
A few related posts.
05/31/08 Another Note on the Early Foxtrot
a newspaper article briefly mentions several of the variations previously described
06/16/14 The Castles' Paul Jones
a simple mixer that optionally uses the foxtrot for the couple dance part
12/11/14 Fox Trot Hats
recommendations for the fashionable lady foxtrotter
03/21/24 Suspiciously similar
did the dancing masters crib from Joan Sawyer?
5. Later foxtrot
I rarely go past 1920 in my foxtrot research, since my interest is primarily in the earliest form of the dance, but here are a few posts that touch on the foxtrot of the 1920s:
08/18/09 At the Prom: Yale 1921
a dance card featuring a ridiculous number of foxtrots
11/25/09 Valencia!
a novelty dance from 1926 with sequences that can be danced to the name tune or used in the foxtrot
02/07/10 A 1920s Medley Paul Jones
a simple mixer which incorporates foxtrot as one of several couple dances