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December 31, 2012


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Thanks, Susan -

The Lambeth Walk is such a fun dance and easy to teach to audience members. It seems to have been so popular in the late 1930s that there are dozens of versions recorded by big bands. We use a particlarly lively version by Artie Shaw, which is instrumental, but that means we get to indulge ourselves by singing the first chorus!


Dear reader,

By coincidence I found the song The Lambeth Walk. I 'am looking for the sheet music for a dance band. Maybe you might know the address where I can buy this.
Our dance band Decadentia9info.decadentia.nl or facebook) would love to play this song.
I hop e to here from you.
Marianne Spanhaak


You can buy the sheet music at this site. Enjoy!


Thanks for the information,do you know if there is an orchestra version with violins as well?


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