Like the Winthrop(e), the Pittsburgh Star is a cotillion (dance party game) figure in the guise of a march sequence which was published in H. Layton Walker's Twentieth Century Cotillion Figures (Two Step Publishing Company, Buffalo, New York, 1912). It was most likely copied from some other source; based on the apparent origin of the Winthrop, the original might have appeared in a publication of the National Association of Dancing Masters after a meeting in Pittsburgh.
The Pittsburgh Star differs from the Winthrop, however, in incorporating the mixer element into the march sequence, which I find more interesting as a figure, rather than by having the dancers seek new partners before beginning the march.
Here are the original instructions for the figure followed by the two diagrams. Note when reading the directions that "up" is toward the bottom of the diagrams.
All two-step. Signal, all march up centre of hall. All mark time when in middle. First couple forward in line of direction. Second couple turn to right; second [third] couple turn to left. Repeat this until four couples are in front, four on right side, four on left side, and four in back. This forms the cross. The four couples in back now wheel round and face other way, thus: [diagram on left] Now, in single file, [ladies] march to right, gentlemen to left, meeting and going to centre, forming thus: [diagram on right] and all two-step with that person.
I corrected "second" with [third] where it was needed and interpolated [ladies] where it was obvious from the diagrams that it had been left out.
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