Continuing on with Cupid's Gavotte: once you have mastered the first step sequence, here are a couple more to work on!
Step #2: Forward Step Diagonally (two bars of 4/4 time)
1 Step right foot forward at slight diagonal
2 Hop on right foot and point left forward raised
3 Step left foot forward continuing on slight diagonal
4 Hop on left foot and point right forward raised
1 Step right foot forward continuing on slight diagonal
234 Hop on right foot three times, moving backward, retracing diagonal
The step-sequence is performed alternately to the right and to the left; here's the reverse:
1 Step left foot forward at slight diagonal
2 Hop on left foot and point right forward raised
3 Step right foot forward continuing on slight diagonal
4 Hop on right foot and point left forward raised
1 Step left foot forward continuing on slight diagonal
234 Hop on left foot three times, moving backward, retracing diagonal
Happily, there are no problems with the transition; the opposite foot is always free at the end. It hardly needs a mnemonic, but it would be "step-hop, step-hop, step-hop-hop-hop".
The slight diagonals forward are my interpretation from the name of the step-sequence; the original instructions just say "step" with no indication at all of which way. Mr. Walters also did not specify the placement of the free foot while hopping backwards at the end of each sequence. I believe it works best if the free foot is extended back while hopping. There's really not time to bring it forward, and it's easier to balance with the leg backward, possibly tilting the body forward slightly as well.
This is the most difficult sequence in this not-very difficult dance; once you've mastered the hopping backward, it's all downhill, technically speaking!
Step #3: Side Movement (two bars of 4/4 time)
12 Point right foot to side
34 (raising foot slightly to prepare) again point right foot to side
1 Cross right foot behind left
2 Step left to side
3 Cross right foot in front of left
4 Raise left foot to side
And here's the reverse direction:
12 Point left foot to side
34 (raising foot slightly to prepare) again point left foot to side
1 Cross left foot behind right
2 Step right to side
3 Cross left foot in front of right
4 Raise right foot to side
The second measure is a grapevine: back-side-front-side, with the final step raised without weight. The points are almost indistinguishable from taps, but should be even lighter.
This step-sequence is also performed alternately in each direction; once again, the transition is easy. The mnemonic is "point...point...back-side-front-lift". This is very similar to the first step-sequence; the biggest problem at this point is not technical difficulty but keeping the different sequences straight!
To be continued....