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July 23, 2018


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There's one interesting complication. For many people not very well versed in dance history simple references to historical dance are enough to make any dance more romantic and interesting. If it resemble something dances in a "historical" movie and have a "historical" label pasted on it, that adds to the excitement.
When one knows more about the actual historical practice such references often clash with one's expectation. This can make the same dance much less interesting and exciting for them.

Rostik -
Yes, certainly. It doesn't really work on me, perhaps because I see so few movies that I didn't imprint on any of them before learning enough about historical dance to make watching them painful. And now it has something of the reverse effect; the more people who moon about particular ahistorical dances in particular films/TV shows (*cough*MrBeveridgesMaggot*cough*) the more irritating I find them.

...also interesting and logical..............

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