July is going to be another quiet month for me, holed up at home doing a bunch of unrelated work, writing, research, etc. I'll make a brief research trip to Boston and do some DJing on the side, and I may be out and about later in the month.
Tuesday, July 10th ~ Cambridge, Massachusetts (Boston area)
Bluesy Tuesy (Facebook event)
7:30-11:00pm (lesson then dancing). DJing blues for the second set, 9:45-11:00pm.
Thursday, June 12th ~ Somerville, Massachusetts (Boston area)
Blues Union (Facebook event)
7:30-11:00pm (lessons until 9:30 then dancing). I'll be DJing blues from 9:30-10:30.
I am available for private lessons in Connecticut or on my various travels; during the latter, you must provide the dance space. Email me directly if you would like to schedule a private lesson.
New Haven and Middletown, Connecticut: July 1-9, 13-26, 30-31
Boston area: July 10-12
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