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November 04, 2013


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For what it's worth, Thompson's published a second collection by Mr Gray for 1805: http://folkopedia.efdss.org/images/9/92/ThompsGray_24_1805.PDF . It also features duplication.

The Thompson music shop changed hands many times. By this era it was being managed by Henry Thompson, the last of the dynasty. He eventually sold the business (c.1805), but it seems to have been in decline before he did so. I'm tempted to make some kind of 'fading to Gray' reference...

Paul: Oooh, thanks, didn't have that one. I'm particularly enamored of page 2, where both tunes on the same page have the same figure! I've seen consecutive-page and facing-page repeats before, but I think same-page is a first.

I don't generally feel a need to write up specific country dance tune books, but I do get tired of explaining to people that wanting specific names for Regency dance choreographies ("What is the NAME of the DANCE?") is a modern-mindset thing that does not really apply in this era.

Now I can point them at this post. :)

On a tangential theme, do you have any idea what the 'chain pousette with the top & bottom Cu' in Edinburgh Races means? I published an essay recently on the Pousette, but didn't have a good answer for that. [If interested, my essay is available here: http://regencydances.org/paper002.php - feel free to delete this comment if the off-topic question isn't appropriate]

Is this a trick question? :) I've never seen the term "chain pousette" defined, but I'd guess that it's the double poussette. Can't think what else it could be, and the full instruction to "chain pousette with the top & bottom Cu" seems to bear that out.

You did read my post enough to know that the dance figures are not called "Edinburgh Races", right? That's the name of the music.

Regencydances.org is, sadly, one of the prime websites spreading misinformation about dance of this era. I wasn't too impressed when they bought music from me and used it on their site without permission, either.

Dear Susan,

As editor-in-chief of RegencyDances.org I must correct a specific point. We track all of the copyright permissions we receive and we don't publish any copyright material without explicit written permission. With over 400 dances researched and animated this is no trivial task. If if something has gone wrong tell me and I will correct that mistake. In another context I believe you have mentioned The Royal Scotch Quadrilles as being used without your permission whereas in fact permission was given by the actual copyright holder, who is not you but Bill Mattheisen, in an email dated 11/Jan/2011. I admire your column and enjoy reading it but please try to avoid unverified public accusations.

Garth Notley

Susan, I use your site a lot to inform my hist-dance teaching (nfp classes in SW UK). Is it OK for me to print off some of your text, with credit given, for my dancers to get some background? I'd particularly like to print this page to go with a download of the book itself from VWML.
I refer dancers to the site as well, but some don't use Internet.
Ann Hinchliffe

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