I will be teaching a trio of workshops sponsored by The Vintage Dance Society and Specialty Productions in New York City this Sunday, March 13th, two of which focus on historical dance of the early 1910s, pre-World War I era.
The workshops will be held at the DANY Studios, Studio 10, on West 38th Street between 8th and 9th, from 12:00 noon to 6:00 pm. Don't forget that the clocks jump forward Saturday night! No experience is necessary and no partner is needed. The cost is $12 per workshop, two for $22, or all three for $30. No pre-registration needed -- just show up!
12:00-1:45pm Ragtime Dance Basics
Learn some of the history of contemporary ballroom dance with the one-step and foxtrot of the pre-World War I era. Easy dances done to the wonderful music of the early 20th century. Completely beginner-friendly. Guided practice 1:45-2:00.
2:00-3:45pm Ragtime Hesitation Waltzes
Basics of early 1910s waltz plus the hesitation techniques used for fast tempo waltzes and ragtime oddities like the 5/4 time Half & Half. Guided practice 3:45-4:00.
The third workshop is in a modern waltz form but may be of interest to general dance fans.
4:00-5:45pm Cross-Step Waltz: Beyond Ballroom Position
Unusual positions and holds for cross-step: shadow, cradle, cross-hand, two-hand and more. Useful for adding new moves to your cross-step waltz or for beginners who want to learn to move in waltz time. Guided practice 5:45-6:00.
Workshop flyers with more details may be downloaded on my workshop flyer page.
For more information about either workshop see the flyers first, then post questions here or email me.