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July 30, 2010


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Hello Susan!
Have some questions about zig-zag.
First, don't you think that start it with left leg crossing right better idea, if you are with left leg in air at the 1st count of music phrase, than move 1st count left leg forward? Yes, this is not like Castles said, but it is more logical on my taste. Let's see - basic step is "man left forward". Than "8" - again left leg. Than "step out" again, than "cortez" again, and now zig-zag.. Right leg and only 3 steps... looks like ok if 1st count is usual step forward with left, but next bar - Castles said "step out left leg+ 2 steps".. but wait, where is step forward at 5th count? I guess 5th-8th count should consists of the same picture like 1st-4th. But if you move left leg forward 5th count you find that zig-zag is ruined. My suggestion that Castles is so professional, that they no need to use "true beginning" leg every step/figure, they can dance it with any leg beginning. This is why they described zig-zag with right leg start. Or, it mat be just a mistake =)

So from that transcription i "read" zig-zag dancing from right leg for man:
1st count - right leg cross left
2nd - left side
3d - right again cross left
4d - pause, when left leg moved left side in air and prepare to continue next side (like at Dancetime video)
5th - left cross right
6th - right move right side
7th - left cross right
8th - pause, right in air

This is if some how in dance we already changed leg from starting left to right so, that at the beginning at music phrase _right_ leg should move. But if no change - we should start left leg cross right etc.. (like from 5th count upper..)

Second question. Why you suggested here Yale position? In text i read "step to right side of the lady", not "step out to the right side..." like in "cortez" or "step out". Well, may be that is cos i not very good in English, you think no difference? Well, anyway, we practice that step in usual "basic" position, so steps making to the side in diagonal, but our bodies are against each others with no side "yale" position. And all works well =)


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