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September 02, 2008


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Ooooh. Is the Maxixe music you have available? We have only the two tunes to work with at The Conservatory, and are always hoping for more.

Look for recordings of Ernesto Nazareth's music - there are plenty of them out there, though you may have an interesting time finding ones played in a danceable way. The maxixes may be labeled as tangos or the CDs may distinguish between "Brazilian tango" (=maxixe) and "Argentine tango" (=the usual sort of tango).

Jeff, on the Maxixes check The Cylinder Preservation and Digitization Project of UC Santa Barbara.
There are recordings of the National Promenade Band that have some early 20th Century favorites including 3 Maxixes: Dengozo, Amapa Maxixe and Sans Souci.


They are available for download as mp3 or wav files. The sound quality varies, but you can do your own clean up.


I'll do some lookups this evening.

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